Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to the following people who have helped me become the loving, but not perfectly behaved puppy I am today: Grandma and Grandpa who always buy me new toys; Aunt Karina who bought me the IQube to try to make me a puppy genius; Uncle Andy who is a regular commenter on my blog; David and Fawn, our trainers who I do tricks perfectly for; Julie who puts up with my barking in the middle of the night; Timmy and Brad who both visited me recently; Doug who plays with me at the airport; Frederique who used to walk me every morning; Keri, Veronica, Derrick, Jenna, Gus, the LV RA's and desk workers, and all the people at school who play with me; the owner of Noah's who gives mom and dad free dog bagels; and most importantly, everyone who reads, votes, and comments on my blog!

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