Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday gifts!

One of the holiday gifts I got was a rawhide that was a foot long and almost as big as me. It took me a whole week to finish it! It was exciting, but now I'm getting nervous, because mom and dad have these big suitcases out everywhere....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa was scary!

This weekend we went to look at homes decorated for the holidays, and I mostly liked that, because I got to sleep in the back seat between mom and dad. At one house, we got out, and mom brought me near this scary guy she called Santa Claus. I didn't trust him, so I growled and barked a lot. Dad took pictures on his phone, and I'm all blurry because I was trying to get out of there.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Look... I'm a reindeer!

So yesterday, Dad made the mistake of telling Mom she could get me some Christmas presents from the pet store. That place is awesome. Squeaky toys EVERYWHERE. Anyway, I got some sweet stuff, except for these silly things Mom put on my head at the airport yesterday. I met Dad's boss, and he snagged this photo for us. He had a blazer on.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa over the long weekend, and Aunt Karina came and brought her cat Rummy. I kept trying to play nicely with Rummy, but she didn't want to play with me. These are pictures of the adults trying to make us get along. Notice how polite I am, and how disinterested Rummy is? I had fun over the weekend anyways, and tried not to be too much trouble!